Women are the gifted souls of God who have so many qualities inherent from the birth itself. They are known to be soft-hearted and generous than the opposite gender because of how their brain works. They find more happiness in giving and in being generous. Most of the actions taken by women are taken from the heart and keeping others benefit in mind as well.During my school days, I had a girl in my class who used to be extremely gentle in her actions and words. Never did we hear her swear or say anything wrong. She had a strange kind of calmness, peace and consistency in her behaviour and character. I found it hard to understand this back then when I was young but now, I can so very well understand. It was her inner quality from the birth of being more compassionate and gentler. Now I strongly believe that gentleness is a strength because it remains constant and clear-minded across all manner of situations. And women are the ones who possess this more than men.
They know the art of giving. Whether it’s about forgiving someone or about being generous and donating something they are always the ones to volunteer first. I remember the times from my childhood when my mum used to give every good thing to my grandmom without even thinking ones and being selfish to keep it for herself. She believed in being giving and generous. While she was alive, she gave everything with an open heart to my co sisters who got married back then. Well her good deeds did come back to our family even after she left us and went up in heaven.
So, going back to where I was about the shades of women and how being gentle, generous, giving is part of the so many shades of a woman.
In true sense, women are gifted to take care of their families and their communities, and because of that socialization process, we see the motives of empathy and caring. By all means, they are the caregivers and nurturers; they have more of those prosocial behaviours.
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