Since my childhood, I had developed a passion for writing and reading. I started with writing letters to my father when you used to go on work related travels. And reading came naturally to me. I always dream t of having a personal library of my own filled from top to bottom. Every time my husband talks about having a house of our home, I make it a point that the plans include a small room that I can convert into a library. I am sure every book lover has this dream. Books are what you want to breathe, eat and sleep. I can’t get over that worn out the smell of old books and turning the crisp papers of new ones. In simple words, I love books in all forms and sizes. When Amazon launched Kindle I used to always wonder how can people give-up the hardbound real books for the ones on a small device/app. I have been a purist and always wanted to feel the books in my hands, to smell the freshness and at times the age old wisdom they provide. On top of that, I loved watching them sitting proudly on my book shelf after going through my eyes. I was crazy to such levels when I started collecting books they were very few in number and gradually I crossed some 50 odd books and I started numbering them by putting stickers and dates to know when I had bought them. Well, the experience of holding the book in your hand, dog eared them and keeping them under the pillow to grab as soon as you can.My favorite past time used to roam around in 2nd hand market as I was just a student and couldn’t afford to buy first-hand books. Being second hand the books used to speak about its previous owners and I used to wonder how that person would be who sold these books.I am sure not all buy books to collect them. This was my life.

Somewhere around 2007 Amazon had launched its 1st e-reader. I wasn’t even much aware of this as I was in my world of hunting books on the second-hand market and just be myself.With passing time my passion for reading increased day by day and books kept on adding to my lists and shelf. By now I had bought around 1000 books. Surprised? Yes, I own little over 1000 books. I am proud of that. I had no plans of stopping this madness. However, in the year 2011 Amazon launched its app for android which could be used by anyone on phone to access Kindle and the amazing world of books. I came to know about Kindle app when I was searching for a book by a renowned nutritionist which was quite expensive and I didn’t want to spend that kind of money in the book. Fortunately, I saw this book on Google being available on Kindle app for free. I was elated beyond my imagination and decided to just get the free book by downloading the Kindle app. Well, this was the beginning of my journey with Kindle and there was no looking back. I won’t be exaggerating if I say that it changed my life and the way I consume books.
It’s been little over a year since I have been using Kindle app for all my reading needs and I must say I have been hooked to it all the time. The time when I am not at work or not surrounded by any family or friends I am glued to my kindle app reading something or the other. Such is the madness that I have lost count of the number of books I would have read in this past one year. There are so many reasons that I feel this is the best thing any reader can get. I agree it doesn’t give the feel of books in your hand or doesn’t allow you to dog ear the books. But trusts it gives you a lot more. Reasons one should go for either the device Kindle or the app.

1)It’s portable- Be it a device or an app your book becomes portable and you can carry it anywhere and read anytime. You can read any number of books you want to read since all is stored in one place and doesn’t make you lift anything more than your phone
2)Books got cheap- Often I get notifications from Amazon on the sale and discounts available on the books. In fact, there are days when you can buy a book for as low as Rs 9. Ain’t that awesome! There are many books available free of costs also and even if you have to shell money and buy its any day cheaper than the hard bound or paperback ones.
3)Disturbance Free- Reading a book on Kindle is also amazing as it doesn’t disturb anyone. You can adjust the light as per your convenience without causing the problem to anyone especially at night hours when the world around you is sleeping and you just want to take that sneak peek in your book.
4)Vast Collection- Considering the way our country has gone digital there are lots of authors who launch the Kindle version of the book first before launching the printed version.
5)Keeps the mess away-Since I am a voracious reader and also the fact that I read pretty fast I would have lost all the space in my house soon to keep so many books. So I am thankful to Kindle as I can read as many books as I can without causing any mess in the house.
6)Convenience- The top most benefit is the convenience as the titles are vast and they get delivered within minutes on the app or Kindle device. You could be on a beach somewhere exotic, sipping a frosty pina colada, and you would still get your books delivered to your device. So bibliophiles like me can survive anywhere 🙂
With this posts, I sum up my love for books and Kindle which is the most useful and priced resource of my life without which I couldn’t have imagined reading so many books. The number of books that I have added in past one year to my memory is immense and I will continue to do so with Kindle.
Are you a Kindle convert? Or do you remain a skeptic, determined to keep reading real books? Please let us know your thoughts about the Kindle in the comments below! What do love most about it?
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival Of Words #6
Also read-This posts which is part of Write-tribe 7 day challenge here
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Lifethrumyeyes Tip- Inculcate the habit of reading in your kids from their childhood. This is the best gift that you can give to your children.
I am still torn between my love for paperbacks and the ease of Kindle app. So now I indulge in both. Enjoying the best of both worlds. Kindle does offer books at such low price, it’s quite tempting to buy an e-book than a book. Loved reading your post.
I also find it great option who loves reading 🙂 Wish my brother gifts it to me on this Raksha Bandhan 😉 He he
Great post as usual, Rakhi. I too have the habit of numbering and writing the date on books. We are very much eager to set our home library soon.
Totally agree Rakhi! Kindle is an amazing resource for bookworms. I am personally a convert, having switched to kindle after being a die-hard hardcopy lover. It is incredibly convenient and now for me it is difficult to read regular books.
I don’t get time to read as much these days.. but I really do want a Kindle. The portability factor really draws me to it.
I have not used kindle yet. I still like actual books 🙂 But my husband has it, and he loves it. I like how you can buy books for a cheaper price.
I indulge on both and I can’t live without either of them. Reading this was like reading the journey of my love for books. Awesome!
I’m partial to both- kindle and paperback. Books are our best resource aren’t they 😊
No doubt its handy, portable and all techie. But i am bit old school and like to read from traditional books.. 😍
ITs looks really superb thing for reading. But i still love to read books as they give me real pleasure of reading. Books give me more personal touch. But this kindle is also fabulous and easy to use. Best for new generation of tech users.
I have not used kindle yet but my friends who are using it they says good option for book lover.
I love reading books and kindle is a saviour.. but i still like paper books.. they give an awesome feel
I hardly read books… But have seen this with many travellers …. It looks nice a quite handy also
[…] read- Kindle My Best Friend My Best Resource Memories are timeless […]
I am also torn between love for paperbacks and Kindle. Even thou I have a Kindle app, it strains my eyes a lot, since the mobile screen is small. But somehow I am keeping myself from buying a Kindle and I love to see my bookshelf getting filled and overflowing. 😀
Loved reading the post.
Yes, Kindle is amazing I must say its great app for reading love. I do have 300 books already on kindle I must say its so good you need nothing if you are alone.
I am really fascinated by the x[concept of e-reading & am tempted when reading at night becomes difficult because of kids. But somehow I still love & prefer books over kindle. And well, I can own 500+ books, but I can own only 1 kindle.
My husband bought me a Kindle as a gift when my baby was born. It was a life saver in those initial few months when my baby was nursing round the clock. Then ever since he got control over his hands he kept turning pages and and changing the font size. It became impossible to read. That was the end of my Kindle story… It has been lying in my drawer every since 🙁
I love reading, but I don’t like having books all over the house. E-readers are a great way to save space and clutter!
I’m not a book reader per se, but having a Kindle has always been on my mind. I mean one thing that keeps me away from books is the number of pages, the tiny font, and the question of what if I don’t understand a word? It actually killed my experience few times. That’s why I’m sure Kindle is one great resource to have! I’m the contrary, I’m a painfully slow reader and really horrible at reading. something has to be very intriguing for me to read through it. usually, i scroll through pages I need to read past.
I prefer paperbacks but guess will have to give a try to kindle ..great post to describe everything in detail 🙂
Glad that you enjoy Kindle. Somehow I never enjoyed reading on it. I like the feel and smell of books more. But I agree with all the benefits you have mentioned here.
I have always ben an ardent fan of books, the feel, the touch makes me feel alive again. But your post made me rethink my decision. Hehehehe….should check out kindle options soon now 😊
Really loved the article. Wonderfully written.
I wouldn’t call Kindle my best friend, paperbacks seem more friendly 🙂 But yes, I do love reading on the device. I started out reading on the app, but it becomes a strain on the eye when reading on mobile/tab. The Paperwhite is much more easy to read on; especially during my travels.
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