If we were having coffee
Today being a Friday it brings along with it a happy feeling of the upcoming weekend or an end of a tiring week. For me, it’s all the more joyous as I look forward to curling on my bed late at night and open my Kindle to just relax and read till my eyes begin to drift off. It’s also a perfect time to brew myself a nice cup of coffee and get lost in my world of words, wisdom and endless possibilities that a book offers. There comes a thought knocking on my mind, “If we were having coffee… Well, the thought is full of endless ideas and possibilities. Being a die hard romantic I am going to take this opportunity and share a fictional conversation that a lover is wanting to have with her soulmate over a cup of coffee.
Read on.
So if we were having coffee….

PC-Concrete playground
1) I would tell you how much I love you for the moment we are spending together. I would be thankful for the joys you bring in my life. For the colors that you add to my rainbow. We would be discussing all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. I would take the moment to express my true feelings for you, I would use this time to let you know that I cherish and worships you till eternity. I would show you endless possibilities life has to offer for us together and how we can achieve most of them.
2)Once I will be done with expressing my feelings I would like to give a download of my years gone by since we are meeting after so many years. From sharing of achievements to downfalls, I will unburden myself in front of you. As much as I like to share about myself I will urge you to share your joys and sorrows with me. Life is not always rosy so I know how much ever you try to be strong for me you might also need my shoulder for support. I want to stand by you like a rock giving all the strength possible.
3)With two cups down we would be settled with our coffee and those yummy cookies that you like the most. I would like to share a secret that I have kept in my heart that I never liked coffee from this place but since you loved the place and the cookies I decided to go with the flow for your love of this place. You were and you will always be special for me.
4)As you know I always loved writing and gradually shifted my career to writing. Today I am so proud of having two books published under my name. While I am on the verge of finalizing a story line for my next book I would like to take your opinion while we are on our coffee date. I would urge you to share your thoughts with me. The characters in this book are based on our real life and they inspire me to thank god for all the blessings. In addition to this, I would like to have more meaningful conversations with you. Spending time with you has been the best things that can ever happen to me.

5) If we were having coffee, I would like to take you through the collection of books that I have managed to build in all these years. The amount of knowledge that I have gathered for myself. You used to tease me for not being tech savvy in those days. Today I am not only tech savvy but can give tough competition to people half my age with the amount of knowledge I have added to my kitty.
6) I would like to share with you all my resolutions for the year and places I want to go, things I want to do and adventures I want to take on. I have suddenly developed a liking for adventure sports.I know aging body doesn’t support much but soul within is still strong. If we were having coffee I would like to ask if you would accompany me for these adventure sports now that we are free of responsibilities in life.
7) It’s interesting how priorities and goals change over time. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Time seems like it’s speeding up more and more each day. I’m trying to slow down and be mindful and “in the present,” but it’s challenging. I get tired more easily now. I need more sleep than before. I am no more the 16-year-old girl who had met you long ago. But my heart is still the same and beats as fast as it used to when we had met.
8) I’d like to share my journey of parenthood. How I had never thought that I would be able to do justice to being a parent and a mother. You would be proud to know that I have evolved and I am a good mother to my two kids. It definitely looked difficult earlier but those cute little hands and feet and those wonderful eyes made my life easier.
9) I’d share the pictures of my kids with you and how they have grown up to become an established professional. I will show you how calm I have become over the years, A girl who used to lose her head over small things has learned to stay at peace. A lot of my fears of “will it ever happen?” have gone away, and I just know, in my bones, that it’s a matter of time.
10) I would be sitting with you with a beautiful pen and a diary as I have become good with writing and words. I would definitely want to flaunt my skills in front of you as you were always the master of language and words. Today I get the chance to flaunt. I would like to bask in the glory of having you by my side.I would just want to lean on your shoulders to take that much needed support. I would like to take anything and everything that you have to offer today.

11)Last but not least I would like to revisit those days when we started dating each other and came out for a coffee date for the very first time. I would go on to minute details of our relationships on how we evolved between our sweet bickerings. How we graduated to be more than lovers and became soulmates. You always teased me about the idea of the soulmate, you thought I was a romantic idiot. But today, when we stand at the altar of our life, don’t you think that we are soulmates. Seeing you sitting across me gives me a feeling that there is God somewhere who believed in me and blessed me with you. So what if we couldn’t marry each other. So what if we stayed separately all our lives. So what that we are meeting today after 20 years. So what my hair has turned almost gray. You look almost the same and more handsome with those fine lines of age and graying hair. Today I would like to tell you that I will pray to God in the next life he blesses us to be soulmates in the true sense wherein we can spend our life together and build a home that we always wanted to build for ourselves and have a family that we dreamt of.
As I said earlier, If I we were having coffee, this simple line is full of losing. This post has taught me so much that life has to offer and we need to just grab those opportunities at the right time.If you like what you read on our site do share your thoughts. We would love to hear from you. In case you feel there is something that can be changed or improved we would be glad to bring in positive changes.We can be contacted here for collaboration, sponsored posts, giveaway or just like that to chat with us.
If we were having coffee…what would you tell me? If you know me in person, do share your thoughts on what would you like to share with me right now? If we don’t know each other I will be glad to know more about you so do tell me what do you think of the posts and one thing that you will tell your loved one if you were having a coffee with them. Looking forward to your comments in the section below.
Stay tuned and stay blessed!
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival Of Words #6 for which we were supposed to basis one simple line If we were having coffee. I chose to write about the fictional conversation between lovers on coffee.
Also, read-
- How I Met My Mother In Heaven.
- A Day In My Life
- Kindle My Best Friend My Best Resource
- Memories Are Timeless Treasures
I had never thought of this simple line to hold so much weight and importance. I am so grateful for having participated in the Write Tribe Festival of words that gave me wonderful opportunity to go beyond my comfort level and thoughts. To come up with something which was exceptional and special in its own way. I have realized the true meaning of writing today. It’s not about picking up with category and getting cozy with that, rather, it’s about picking up new challenges and being in the uncomfortable position as that brings out the real writer in you.
With this, I would like to thank Corinne Rodrigues from the bottom of my heart for organizing this. I will be most eagerly waiting for the next challenge to come my way and to take it head on.
Coffee and conversations-great combo!
A lot can happen over coffee! Some relationships are not to be given a name and they just stay with you through thick and thin.
This post took me 5 years back, when my husband and I met for the first time. Although our meeting was arranged by our parents, but we couldn’t stop talking with our hot coffees in our hands. After the one hour conversation, I was sure that I could talk my heart out with this man without sugarcoating anything. I’d like to visit the same café with him now and talk for hours again.
I love coffee and the conversations that follow with it. Unfortunately my husband loves tea so we normally have conversations with me having coffee and he having tea. But yes your one thought has brought out so many points of conversation. Loved reading them.
Coffee and great company, Talking over coffee, discussing over coffee, decisions taken over coffee are memorable. Your post describes the coffee conversations beautifully, and this is an awesome post.
Awwwww I remember my mills and boons days. i was a die hard romantic too. Now, I’m just me. Hahaha! Perhaps I would tell you something that you wanted to know. But, I’d have a lassi please.
Such a sweet post – indeed, if you could have coffee with your soulmate, i bet you would never run out of words and the feelings of joy with flow continously just as cups of coffee would keep on coming!
Coffee and conversations is one of my favorites things to do 🙂
Superb. I can’t imagine with just a single line of idea, one can pen down such beautiful thoughts. A visit to complete life and feelings at each step
This is such a lovely romantic post, Rakhi. It has such a feel good factor!
Oh yes!! coffee and coversations with loved ones are the best!
This is a heartwarming writeup, Rakhi. Coffee is a permanent doorway to convos!
Indeed beautiful memories built over cup of coffee. That’s interesting read. #MyFriendAlexa
Very well written!! With a cup of coffee sipping together there is a lot more to discuss ☺️
If we were having a coffee, I would give u a sneak peek into my past and would love to know more about urs too!!
Wow! Coffee and talk. Relationships build over coffee.
So when are we having a coffee together Rakhi?
That’s such a beautiful message and we’ll written blog. Totally coffee builds relation and so much more
I concur with it- we need to grab the opportunities or else it’s our loss.
Beautiful coffee tales.
The conversation that flows between sips of coffee is always animated, emotional and interesting. The coffe may end but the words never cease to flow.
#MyFriendAlexa #spoonsandsneakers
That’s all we need in life and very true, a lot of conversations can happen over a coffee!
Wow, such a romantic cup of coffee with the soulmate. I simply wanna have this coffee talk as a lot can certainly happen over coffee as they say. Such dates are made in heaven when chats can go on and on and the one you are with is one you long. Endless talks, endless coffee, Yes, Me too a coffee lover of this scene.
Rakhi, loved the flow of the conversations. It happens when we sit with a person over a coffee or tea we tend to open up and express more. And to me the sips are the break in the conversations.
Awww.. This made me blush .. Totally love this sweet post. I enjoyed reading it till the end . Wow Rakhi
Coffee is one such drink that would stir many conversations, build relationships and strengthen friendships. Such a beautiful conversation over coffee a drink we southindians do not start our day without..
Nice way of writing your story…
I enjoyed this conversation. Many a times I have a similar coversation with my loved ones.
Coffee and Conversations go hand in hand. Well written. And your loved ones will be so lucky to have you in their life.
Rakhi, you took me back the memory lane through this one. This is so beautifully written. If this has happened, awesome, but if it hasn’t I hope that the time comes soon!
I love coffee and your piece reminded me of things I would do if I were having coffee with…well, my best friend, in this case.
If we were having a coffee, I would tell you my thoughts are the reflection of your post, except the 2 kids and professional part.
The second part is too good. No matter how much love we have, we need a person to share all the sorrows and lean on.
If we were having coffee ,I would tell you how pretty your smile is Rakhi.Keep sharing your writing.
Thank you so much, Amrita. That is the most endearing comment I have got on this post.