Motherhood changes a woman in profound ways. It can stretch you until you thought that you might break, but every time you keep holding on, every time you grow stronger. Things you would have hated doing earlier become a daily routine for you and you do it with all the love and happiness. Along with sleeping troubles, unnecessary crankiness, breastfeeding concerns and the troublesome two’, there is one more thing that can create havoc in a parent’s life. Yes, I am talking about potty training! It can be long, tedious exercise and result just don’t seem to happen. But you would be surprised to know that it’s not actually all that difficult to potty train your child. It is one of the things that is much talked about amongst parents, especially new parents. Here are some magic tricks that will help you potty train your child in just 3 days. Don’t believe this? Give it a try and let us know how you go.1) Get rid of the diapers – It’s more about preparing your mind and body to not to use the diapers. The baby doesn’t get affected much but parents do compromise on the sleep. However, its one of the most crucial step of potty training your baby. Not having diapers in your vicinity might definitely frustrate you but better than resorting to them.
2) Say yes to cotton underwear’s only – For sure there will be accidents and many underwears might get soiled so be prepared. This in a way helps your child in learning a crucial lesson that wet underwear can get messy and nasty. The urge to pee or poop will make them pull down the underwear. You could make your child wear underwear’s that have cartoon characters and tell them not to let their favorite characters get wet.
3) Work upon water intake – Ensure that your child intakes a lot of fluids in the form of water, juices, milk, smoothies and everything that includes water content. This will make sure that your child goes to the bathroom frequently. Increase the frequency of liquid in his diet. This might get taxing for you as frequent bathroom trips will tire you. However, in long run, the child will get used to bathroom trips and will get his business straight. You could also try out installing colorful urinals at home for your little boy to get excited and use it every now and then. You could check out some amazing collection of urinals being offered by U-grow, a renowned baby care brand.
4) Appreciate and praise your child while potty training – Congratulate your child when he manages to stay dry for more than half an hour. You can give your child a star on hand and treat them to hugs and kisses when they manage to make successful bathroom visits.
5) Teach good etiquettes for using potty seat during potty training– Most of the times kids don’t feel like visiting washroom and you got to persuade them to use it. Make them sit on the potty seat and make a routine to sit for at least couple of minutes. Gradually increase the timings this will become a habit. You can buy colorful and attractive potty seat for your child so that they enjoy sitting on it. You can select some fabulous potty seats available at U-grow. If at all your child gets distracted you can give him some counting task or you can make him blow some bubbles. Making it fun can help.
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6) Express disappointment– Don’t get scared of your child getting upset so do show your disappointment on the accidents that happen. Don’t let them assume that its okay to take it easy. You could avoid liquids after dinner so that there are less likely chances of accidents.
7) Stay armed while potty training– Make sure you are well equipped with paper towels, tissues papers, fresh underwear’s, wet wipes and fresh sheets as accidents are bound to happen. Hence it’s better to be prepared.
8) Night time routine – Last but not least stay prepared for the night time routine. It is extremely important to be prepared for the night time, in fact, more than daytime. Avoid liquids and food after dinner and ensure that you take the child for the last trip to the washroom before tucking him to bed. Try waking up the child at night once and take him to the washroom. This might be disturbing for your sleep but it’s quite effective.
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Potty training is a very difficult and tasking experience for both the mother and the child. But try this method for 3 days and see the wonder happening in front of your own eyes. Sprinkle a little bit of patience to this whole exercise and you will see the magic unfold. Of course, the training won’t get over just in 3 days. You will still manage to witness success when your child is out of diapers more and in dry underwears mostly. You need to continue doing this to make your child understand this properly. Hope you manage to make a good head start with your child.
For more on parenting read click here
Picture courtesy- World wide web. Pictures are taken from the web.
PS- This post was originally written for U-grow by Rakhi Parsai (
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Love Deeply. Give Freely. Laugh Often
Great tips, very nice!
These are great tips definitely useful for all the new mommies / parents .. will definitely keep in mind 🙂
This is perfect! Saving this for when my daughter starts potty training!
These are definitely fabulous tips for mamas of littles to use when preparing to potty train!
Great tips! It definitely is a lot of work to potty train kids. I think above it does need a lot of patience.
Great tips, definitely useful when going through the potty training stage. So glad I’m done with nappies!
I am about to start potty training my baby. This will be very helpful
We’re just starting the conversation of potty training with my son and your post has been the first thing I’ve read! The advice totally makes sense! My husnand actually just sent me a pic of that same urinal lol!!
Great tips! I’m so happy it was quite an easy ride with my two.