Taking care of the elderly is over of the most important thing a person does when they get older. Taking care of their parents, grandparents, and family members is an integral part of life. Our love for our parents should never decrease as they were with us when nobody was. And in favor of the elderly of our society, the government has granted rights to them. But the senior citizens in our society are fairly unaware of them. Rights regarding their dignity, peaceful life, and equality in society. They should be enlightened about their rights in the very first place. In this article, we will discuss with you the top 4 Senior citizens’ legal rights in India.
Right to maintenance by children
It is often seen that after receiving the property from their parents, the children abandon them. In such a situation, Section 23 of the Act of 2007 is a deterrent to this and hence is beneficial for the elderly old aged people who are incapable of taking care of themselves in their last phase of life. The transferee has to take care of the basic amenities and physical needs of the transferor. If the Transferee fails to do so, the transfer of the property to them will be considered void. It will be considered fraud.
Right to work, education, and public assistance
Article 41 of the Constitution secures the right of senior citizens to employment, education, and public assistance. It also ensures that the state must uphold these rights in cases of disability, old age, or sickness. Meanwhile, Article 46 asserts that the educational and economic rights of the elderly must be protected by the state. We all have a moral duty to take care of our parents. But we also have laws regarding that. Under Sec 20 of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956, comes the obligation of sons to maintain their aged parents.
Right to Concession in tickets
As per rights guaranteed under the National Policy for Older Persons, 1999, all Indian citizens aged above 60 are entitled to a 30 percent concession in ticket prices while traveling with the Indian Railways. The concession is 50 percent for women aged above 60 along with the provision for separate counters and other services including berth requests.
Air India is also bound to provide a concession of 45 percent to senior citizens at the time of making a booking for economy class, as per the National Policy for Older Persons, 1999. The policy also binds Indian air carriers to aid senior citizens with special care such as allowing them to board and de-board before others or providing them with wheelchairs whenever required.
Right to a discount on Taxes
Section 88-B, 88-D, and 88-DDB of the Income Tax Act of India allow senior citizens to claim a discount in tax. The senior citizens are also entitled to get higher interest on tax saving plans apart from having a wide variety of LIC policies and post office saving schemes to choose from.
Let’s join our hands together and create awareness around the senior citizens and help them lead a happy life in the golden years of their life.
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