Indoor plants are beneficial in more than one way. They add an element of nature and freshness to any place you keep them in. While they look beautiful visually but they also eliminate the harmful toxins present in the air. They indeed are great air purifiers. If you are a plant lover like me you would definitely have thought of your washroom décor and plants would have for sure cropped up in your mind. And why not. Plants add a beautiful element to the washrooms too. The moisture present in the bathroom air helps the plants to survive well.
Here in this post, I am sharing some amazing plants to add as a part of your washroom décor.
- Asparagus Ferns- These thin leaves plant loves the humidity of the bathroom. It can thrive easily in moderate to bright light as well. It can easily grow till 2 feet high and the branches become as wide as 6 feet. They have thorns so be careful and keep them out of kids’ reach.
- Lucky Bamboo- Bamboo is a great option to grown in a small container and kept in the bathroom. When grown in containers they don’t grow too high and make for a lovely décor element as well.
- Spider plant- These are lovely-looking plants that do not require much care. You can easily post one of the baby plants coming off the mother plant in a small pot and keep it in your bathroom. They look quite pretty with the variegated leaves in the shades of green and white.
- Begonia– begonias love humid conditions and thus they can easily thrive in your bathroom. They can easily grow in small containers. They do love humidity but they do not love water clogged soil and that can cause root rot as well. So, water carefully. They come in different variations light green, dark green, bronze, or variegated foliage
- Crotons- There are many varieties of crotons available and you can choose the one you like. They grow quite slow but they can reach up to 6 feet in height with time and proper care. Also, the height depends on the size of the pot you have potted this in. Croton plants need bright, but indirect light, and lots of humidity and moisture, although they do not like to sit in wet soil.
- Chinese evergreen– This is one of the most forgiving plants. They won’t mind being neglected for a while though. These beautiful large-leaved, tropical plants will thrive even if you forget to water and feed it. While it loves humidity, it will also tolerate dry air, provided you keep it out of a cold environment, which can damage the leaves.
PC- Better Homes and Graden
- Money plants– Money plants are truly tropical plants that love bathroom conditions. They can easily grow in humid conditions. Try not to overwater. Although they love little moist soil but don’t make it water clogged.
Things to keep in mind
- During the day bathrooms are warm and humid but at night they become cold and can harm few varieties of plants
- Not all plants love to stay in humid environments. Plants like succulents will die if kept in the bathrooms.
- Most of the bathrooms will have a low level of natural light so you can have fluorescent bulbs as they provide plenty of light that plants can use.
You need to consider these three above-given things when deciding on the plants for your washroom décor. And honestly speaking there is no harm in keeping your bathroom plants in fresh air once a week. It isn’t much effort so do this every week. Give them a trip to your balcony or open spaces so they also can breathe in some fresh air and get natural light as well.
This post is part of the Blogchatter A2Z challenge.
All the images used in this post are taken from google and do not belong to me. I thank every website from where I have taken these.
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Lovely collection of plants
I am planning to decorate my guest bathroom. And was thinking of adding some greenery into it. I already have a artificial succulent. Was looking for other options. Your post came in time.
the most neglected decor in my house are the washrooms and your post just acts as an inspiration for me to revive ,add some elements especially the planters and revive my bathroom. thank you so much for sharing these ideas.
What an amazing post, you have given me such lovely ideas to add greens to my bathroom. Infact I am a big collector of bamboos, now can add it to my bathroom decor too , with ease.
In my other house, I use to keep the Lucky bamboo in one of my washroom. I really like to see green around my and like the beauty that they add to any place. For my other bathrooms I had kep lt artificial succulents and lavender.
Loved your list and tips dear, I love doing up a mini garden indoors and I am glad I have most of these in there already
This is something interesting I have never read about it . Surprising for me to know that people use plant decor for washroom and I was wondering it does not bring lot of mosquitoes??
Some of the plants I never knew were indoor ones. To have a positive vibe inside the washroom is the most important. Thanks to you. I trying this idea.